APOD0003 Ellen Phan. Streams Of The Subconscious. Episode One
Ep. 04

APOD0003 Ellen Phan. Streams Of The Subconscious. Episode One

Episode description

Streams of the Subconscious Episode 1 is an exploration of Ellen Phan’s ongoing interest and experiences with spirituality. It is all original music written in collaboration with James William Sinclair - with text inspired by or taken from:

-Codependents Anonymous (a support group for dysfunctional relationships)

-Guided Imagery Hypnosis (conducted by Ellen Phan)

-A live Neuro Linguistic Programming lecture

-Talks by new thought spiritual leaders such as Teal Swan and classic channellers like Kryon/Lee Daniels, Darryl Anka/Bashar and Wendy Kennedy/The 9th Dimension Pleadian Collective .

The overall tone of this is slightly disassociating… yet meditative… Think 3 a.m in bed, Theta State Brain Waves… Weaving in and out of consciousness.